10 Cat Furniture DIYs That You’ll Want to Try Today!

by Monika
DIY cat furniture to make at home

Catifying our homes and making them more suitable for our felines is something every cat owner has to do when adopting a cat. Most cats love vertical spaces and places to climb so it’s essential to provide them with the furniture that will allow them to jump and climb as they please!

There are so many types of cat furniture that cats enjoy using such as cat trees, shelves, beds, scratching posts… The good news is that you can make most of them at home too! No need to spend extra money if you don’t want to. You can use your old furniture or other items from your home to make something new that your kitty will love.

Some of the listed DIY cat furniture projects will require a few skills but most of them can be made by the average Joe.

1. Homemade Cat Condo By Brittany Goldwyn

DIY cat condo made of Ikea tables

Brittany Goldwyn makes some wonderful DIYs. Just search “cat” on her website and you’ll find so many inspiring and beautiful DIY projects for your cat that you’ll want to make immediately! For this cat condo, you’ll need to grab two old tables (she used Ikea tables), some carpet remnants, sisal rope and your staple gun! With a few supplies and a couple of old tables, your cats can have their own DIY condo! See how to make this homemade cat condo.

2. Palm Springs Kitty Scratch House by A Beautiful Mess

DIY kitty scratch house

Just look at this cat house! Isn’t this the cutest DIY ever? This might be the most stylish cat house I’ve even seen! And with the addition of a scratching pad insert inside the house, it’s perfect for the kitty manicure too! See how to make this adorable cat house on A Beautiful Mess blog!

3. DIY Cat Tree Using Real Branches By Brittany Goldwyn

DIY real cat tree by Brittany Goldwyn

DIY real cat tree by Brittany Goldwyn

I’ve already mentioned this cat tree in my post about bringing outdoors to your indoor cat. I just love how stylish and natural this tree looks! Grab some sturdy tree limbs the next time you go for a hike and create something truly fantastic for your feline. See how to create this cat tree on Brittany Goldwyn’s website.

4. DIY Cat Scrathing Post by Dream a Litttle Bigger

DIY cat scrathing post

If you want to match your cat’s scratching post with the furniture, try this fun DIY project! I love that this tutorial includes a dye that is safe for the cat’s feet. So often, we forget to think how something we use affects our kitties. See how to make this DIY scratching post at Dream a Little Bigger.

DIY cat teepee bed, DIY litter box cover

5. DIY Cat Hideaway by Space Ships and Laserbeams

When your kitty needs some time alone, away from all the fuss, she’ll love to hide in her new cat hideaway! See how to make this cute cat tent at Space Ships and Laserbeams.

6. DIY Litter Box Cover by Busy Being Jennifer

There are any number of reasons why you might want an enclosed box for your cat’s litter. If you want to DIY your own, this project is broken down into fairly easy steps. All you need is some wood, power tools, and basic carpentry skills. See how to make this DIY litter box cover.

7. A Teepee DIY Cat Bed by Life. Family. Joy

Me and my boyfriend made a teepee for his cat Minka a few months ago and it turned out pretty good! It is now Minka’s favorite place to sleep and rest for hours. It doesn’t look as good as this one though, but Minka doesn’t mind.

If your furry friend likes to sleep in a smaller, covered space, this is a fun DIY option for your cat’s bedroom. Picking your own fabric gives you the option to coordinate with your home decor too! See how to make a teepee for your cat.

DIY cat tree, cat shelves, cat house

8. Kristen’s DIY Cat Tree by Colette Blog

This DIY has all the things your feline friends need! Cozy bed, stuff to scratch, and even a few toys to pounce on and bat around! The edition of velcro to secure the various parts make it easy to clean when necessary too. See this DIY at Colette Blog.

9. Carpet-Covered Cat Climbing Shelves by Practically Functional

Wall shelves are a great solution if you live in a small apartment. That way the cats are not limited to floor and sofa only (and tables and kitchen counters, of course). Make it easy for your cats to climb, jump from one shelf to another and relax up high with these simple-to-make climbing shelves. See how to make these cat shelves at Practically Functional.

10. My Own DIY – Easy Cardboard Cat Playhouse

Last but not least, my own DIY! This one is pretty basic and easy to make because I love simple stuff! All you need are two cardboard boxes, hot glue gun, and some ordinary tools that all of us have in our homes such as scissors and duck tape. If you want to make something fast and easy, this would be a good choice. You’ll be finished in half an hour and your cat will love it. Which cat doesn’t love things made of boxes, right? See how to make this easy cardboard cat playhouse.

I hope you found your next DIY cat furniture project among these ideas, or at least got an inspiration for making your cat’s new favorite piece of furniture! I’m sure your cat will love whatever you choose to make for them.

Have you ever tried making something your your kitty?

I would love to hear about it in the comments!

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Basil April 28, 2018 - 3:04 pm

Great projects, thanks fur sharing! We have a Crafting with Cats segment on our blog now and again too!

Bestest purrs

Basil & Co xox

Monika May 2, 2018 - 9:44 am

Cool. I’ll have to check it out! 🙂

Sj September 25, 2019 - 7:01 pm

I’m going to turn some of these into adorable rabbit houses instead!

Monika September 26, 2019 - 2:14 pm

Sounds good! I’m sure rabbits would enjoy these DIYs too 🙂


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